When you think of Australia, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Crocodiles, kangaroos and koalas? We have a feeling it might not be our awesome Power Bag! 

The bag is designed for personal trainers who want to carry their equipment in style. It has an ergonomic design with padded backing so it feels comfortable on your shoulders when carrying heavy loads. It also features two water bottle holders and a duffle strap that attaches to your body like a backpack. 

We’re sure this is why some people call us “The Australian Backpack,” but we prefer “The Australian Power Bag.”

Trainers are always looking for new ways to keep their clients engaged and motivated, especially when it comes to the dreaded weight lifting. 

If you’ve been searching high and low for a way to spice up your workouts, then look no further than Power Bag Australia! 

These bags of sand provide an extra challenge during workouts while also providing a great upper body workout. You’ll want try these out after reading this post!

There’s nothing worse than being out of the office, in a public place and having your phone die. 

You can’t call or text anyone to meet up for drinks after work, you’re too embarrassed to ask people nearby for their charger because it’s not like they know you very well and what if they don’t have an extra? 

The only thing that is going through your head at this point is why did I use my last charge on Facebook? 

Luckily for all those personal trainers who are always on the go there is Power Bag Australia. 

This company has created a bag that charges your devices with solar power! 

Now you’ll never be without juice again. All you need to do is carry around some sunblock and plug in when needed.